
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Took berries (which I had spread out in single layer in two pans) out of freezer this morning and put them in 2 ziploc bags and then into a freezer bag and right back in freezer. They look fine hope they will taste ok in a couple months. Did not read much today. I got up late and watched my usual assortment of political talk shows. Lots of chatter today about Romney's choice for vice president. I think Ryan is a very real danger to women. Romney had been slipping in the polls and this may help him with his base but I cannot believe it will help him with women or the elderly. Ryan is against birth control and wants to end Roe v Wade. He is a Catholic and he will do what his church wants him to do, not what is best for women!! He wants to eviscerate social programs and says he will change the social security system. He says not for people over 55, can you believe him?? I do not! I understand that there should be some changes made in various programs but not end them. His plan would continue huge tax cuts for the wealthy and lower the tax on corporatons from 35%(which I doubt any of them are currently paying anyway) to 25%. Ryan may not be the fanatic Santurum was but he is close. This is not the person I would want a heart beat away from the presidency. I hope some Republicans wake up to what they are doing and decide not to vote for this ticket. I am a Democrat and will vote for Obama AGAIN as I think most women should, young or old!! Of course this news took the heat off Romney for not disclosing his IRS records, but just temporarily I hope. My sister came over this afternoon and we played cards until 4:30pm....Hand and Foot. My Mon bridge is cancelled again so hope to play Wed.

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