
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hard to believe that I have not blogged since July 10. I have been busy reading and playing Bridge twice a week plus keeping myself fed and clean!! I have read 6 books since then. Another in the Falco series set in Rome.."Ode to a Banker" in which Falco takes us through ancient Rome in a search for the murderer of a publisher killed in his library. The next 3 are mysteries from the elibrary which I read on my Kindle. "The Technologists", which takes place in Boston, has the first graduating class from MIT involved in murder and mayhem. "Well-Offed in Vermont" just a short murder mystery but good quick read. "Faceles Killers" by Henning Mankell is I think the first Kurt Wallender mystery and is set in Finland. I seem to remember something similar on TV. I enjoyed the introduction to the character and the story was good. Will look for the next one in the series. The next two I got from my town library. "Stolen Prey" by John Sandford, a Lucas Davenport mystery set in Minnesota. It involves a brutal murder and some international finagling with gold. Sandford is a smooth story teller and I always enjoy his mysteries. Then I read a first novel by Charlotte Rogan which was really good. It is "The Lifeboat" which involves a ship sinking in 1914 and what happened in the lifeboat to the main character, Grace, whose new husband was also on board. I won't tell you any more but I think it is worth a read. Today I started "Wolf Hall" by Hilary Mantel. I got it because her new book "Bring Up the Bodies" is on the NY Times best seller list and mentioned that it was a sequel. I starts in 1500 with Thomas Cromwell being beaten by his father then gets quickly to 1528 and the time of Henry VII. It is about Cromwell but I think it will be a long slow read as there is much history involved but I like that kind of story so we'll see how it goes. Have won the last 2 Wed. at Bridge. Cannot go the next 2 as I have appointments...the group will probably be glad! Am now going to watch "Insp. Lewis" on TV.

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